House Monitor – Nodes

What do the Nodes Looks likeA lot like a Jeenode shoved in a box . Which makes life really simple, The jeenode is small, low powered, has lots of prebuilt code for interfacing, and is cheap. It also has a…

What do the Nodes Looks like
A lot like a Jeenode shoved in a box . Which makes life really simple, The jeenode is small, low powered, has lots of prebuilt code for interfacing, and is cheap. It also has a radio, which means I don’t have to drill through solid concrete walls(so often).

20100927_001.jpgWhat are you sensing?
Heat mainly, sometimes power, sometimes light. Here’s a picture of a DS18B20 “One Wire” temperature sensor

20110330_002.jpgWhat runs the Nodes?
Custom software, affixed here unpack the files into your arduino IDE sketchbook. It should compile and run like a charm. The software comes in three parts, the packet library, the sensor sketch. (The third part runs on the linux server.) Open up sensor.pde and have a look:

There are a three modes, decided by the MASTER const.

  • 0, the node will sit there and print out all the traffic coming from the sensors.
  • 1, low power temperature mode, sits there in sleep, periodically sends temperature and light reports.
  • 2, polls the light sensor for power flashes, power hungry.

In the setup function you can set the node’s address (NODEID = 0x02;) which can be anything between 0-15. 0 is reserved for the listening “master” node, however you can have more than one node with the same address. Its just not the best idea.

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